How to get paid $25-$1k weekly as a web.3 Community moderator

Now before we proceed on how to get paid $25 - $1000 as a web3 community moderator, let talk on 2 things first. Who is a community moderator and what he or she does.


A community moderator is a person who helps to manage and moderate a community, such as an online forum, chat room, or social media group. The role of a community moderator is to ensure that the community follows the rules and guidelines set by the community's owner or administrator, to create a positive and welcoming environment for all members.


  • Tactics and Strategies;

  1. Where to get employment and 
  2. How to obtain "HIGH" paying employment.

1. How to find employment as a moderator;

To find find an employment you need to understand where to apply, and here are some of the important places to find employment.

  • Telegram
  • Discord, and
  • Job boards

2. Have an easy proposal or plan of action.

For instance, in Discord, when you perform the following two things, project owners are more likely to offer you the job in the tickets you open:

  • Offer praise


💨I adore this project and everything it stands for.

💨I've seen that many residents lack a thorough understanding of what it is all about.

💨Consider using me as a mod and see the changes in activity and development.

I'll be waiting for your response at (tag founder)

  • Suitable/Correct

Begin with:

There are 2 things you're doing incorrectly that I've discovered, which may reduce the value of this project. Then follow up by stating those things as stated below.

💨 Marketing and Community

I saw that the community managers you have are not active, also you need to get some skilled marketers.

In the first case, you listed yourself as the ideal candidate, whereas in the second, you suggested a person.

Try both and monitor the outcomes to see how quickly you can land employment.

What's nice is that you can get by without a resume or other proof of employment!


  • Typing lengthy messages (your life's tale)
  • Opening a ticket and typing "Hello or Hi" 
  • Seeming desperate or eager by bombarding them with messages.

By engaging in these behaviors, you'll lose your job before you've even started.

Wage Negotiation Tip 1: 

When an employer inquires about your goal salary, turn the question around on them by saying;

💨 "Thanks for asking. Would you be willing to disclose the price range you have allotted for this position? In this manner, we may confirm our alignment.

Wage negotiating Tip 2: 

Take a chance and ask yourself, "Can we please talk about the compensation?" when an employer has not brought up the issue of pay but you have been offered the position.

Wage Negotiation Tip 3: 

Now that you've brought up compensation and followed Tips 1 and 2, you should bring it up again. On Discord, some employers may inform you that their weekly budget is $100 or more for a week.

💨 Now, You have the option to haggle or accept the deal as is.

TAKENOTE: The minimum wage for a moderator each week is $50 - $80. (it depend on the project and also your qualification can influence the amount to be paid).

Bonus Advice;

You are free to submit as many applications as you like. assuming you can balance them all.

When questioned about if you are currently engaged on other projects

Avoid stating that you are.

Where to apply for projects

Crypto launchpads: Example are,,, Fundraising campaigns

Use to keep track of initiatives that have raised money and then submitted applications through their Telegram channels.

This is especially challenging since hiring procedures are more difficult than the standard telegram or discord methods, but anything might happen. Job boards and job pages

Twitter accounts:

@CryptoJobsList, @GetCryptoJobs, and @Web3Career

For Online job boards include 

  • Crypto Jobs and CoinMarketCap.
  • The Daily Ape Job Board and Pomp Crypto Jobs is available 

Only the finest of the best are given these jobs posted on websites! that is you will be given the job if you are qualified or you did the right thing as stated here.

Do your research first on the:

  1. The Project
  2. What's the project is all about
  3. The focused and what they represent
  4. Team members, and 
  5. Interviewers
  6. Founders 
  7. The project's usefulness are all considered.

Bravo: With all this strategies and Tactics you have a good chance to get a good high paying job in the web3 space, and if you are also referred by a worker or a core team member, THEN, you chance of getting the job is stronger.

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